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Introduction to WordPress Plugins


WordPress plugins can be accessed in the administration panel of the computer. There is an option of plugins folder separately. These WordPress plugins are the special programmes which are written in PHP script language. It is a set of one or more than one function. These programmes are meant to add different feature in the WordPress files. These special programmes provide a completely new and advanced feature and appreance to the weblog. They either upgrade the older features or make available   new features. They provide an easier and simpler means to do complete modification, customization and appreance enhancement of the WordPress blog. There is a large category of plugins available at the site ‘WordPress Plugins Directory’. These downloads are free of charge for the general public.
For creating a plug-in, name should be chosen uniquely. A name should demonstrate the working domain of plug-in in order to make it easily findable each and every time. One can also search on various search engines in order to find out, whether the name is unique or not. Name can be of single as well as multiple words, but the main part is to choose it in a manner that it certainly reciprocates the manner of its work relation. The further step involves the creation of PHP file for the same. The word ‘.php’ acts as extension name on behalf of any plug-in file. For example if the file is related to downloading songs, than the plug-in file name for the same should be ‘downloadsongs.php’.

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